Would you like to end your summer in the best way possible?
Join us for “Boot Camp: Ready for Takeoff!” Our yearly camp is back and will be taking place between the 25th-28th August at St Paul’s Missionary College (St. Agatha), Rabat. The event is open for teenages between 13-16 years old. Boot camp would be a great opportunity to make new friends and strengthen existing friendships.
Boot camp is a 4-day fully residential live-in organised by ACTS Teens. Boot camp consists of activities, workshops, discussions about faith, time of prayer, a trip to the beach and so much more!
We highly encourage 13-16 year olds to join us for this journey where we get to know about our faith. ACTS Teens organises weekly meetings on Fridays at Gattard House, Blata l-Bajda.
We look forward to seeing you and getting to know you 🙂 Get in touch with us if you have any questions.
God bless you!
Għandek bejn it-13 u s-16-il sena u tixtieq ittemm is-sajf tiegħek bl-aħjar mod? Applika għal ‘Boot Camp 2022’ u ltaqa’ ma’ adolexxent bħalek li jridu jieħdu gost u fl-istess ħin isiru jafu nies ġodda!
“Boot Camp: Ready for Takeoff!” huwa live-in ta’ erbat ijiem, organizzat minn ACTS Teens, fejn se jkun hemm attivitajiet u logħob, workshops, diskussjonijiet dwar il-fidi, ħin ta’ talb, mużika, baħar u ikel tajjeb.
ACTS Teens huwa miftuħ għal dawk kollha li għandhom bejn 13 u 16-il sena u qed ifittxu xi tfisser li temmen f’Alla u jagħmlu sens mill-fidi f’ħajjithom kif ukoll jipparteċipaw f’diversi attivitajiet u avvenimenti matul is-sena. Il-laqgħat ta’ ACTS Teens isiru nhar ta’ ġimgħa f’Gattard House.
‘Boot Camp 2022: Ready for Takeoff’ se jsir bejn nhar il-Ħamis 25 ta’ Awwissu fis-2pm u nhar il-Ħadd 28 ta’ Awwisssu fis-1.30pm fil-Kulleġġ Missjunarju ta’ San Pawl (Sant’Agata), ir-Rabat.
L-applikazzjonijiet se jkunu aċċettati sal-20 ta’ Awwissu. Għal aktar dettalji ibgħat messaġġ lil ACTS Malta fuq Facebook u ara l-avveniment fuq Facebook